Welcome to Women INSTYLE

Style style tips & tricks to help women over 40 be confident dressers

A Signature Style Sets 

You Apart And Gets You Noticed

Premium Plan ($25 CAD per month)

Member Perks

The Style Insider - Style Community

  1.  A Live STYLE Event (once a month): I'll meet you on Zoom to dive deep on a style topic - with worksheets and a Q & A (event will be recorded).
  2. Personal Style Advice : You'll have access to Sheila during the week to ask questions about style, confidence, beauty, and more. 
  3. Two monthly group HOT SEATS, 1. Bring a top, accessory, jacket etc. you have that you don't know how to wear and learn how to wear it or learn why it doesn't work. 2. It  might be something you purchased that you don't know how to make an outfit with it or you have questions about it.
  4. Access to our private community platform where members can ask questions, post pictures, share outfit ideas and get to know other members.
  5. Style Resource Library: Videos & cheat sheets
  6. Outfit ideas for each body shape - every month you will get an outfit prepared to suit your body shape with links to the store to purchase.
  7. Live Pop-Up Style Quickies
  8.  Style Challenges
  9. Beauty, Style and Confidence / WellbeingTips  & Conversations

Style Community

Free Plan Perks

1. Beauty, Style and Confidence / WellbeingTips  & Conversations

2. Access to our Private Platform where you can connect with other members

3. Outfit Ideas - outfit ideas and store links

4. Style Cheat Sheets & Videos

5. Polls

What Women Are Saying

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your cancellation and refund policy? You can cancel at any time but we do not offer refunds.

Can you guarantee specific results? No. I will deliver the information, to get results, you have to carry through with the knowledge you gain.

Is the membership self-directed or will there be 1-on -1 coaching? The membership is self-directed and although there isn't any individual coaching,  you will have access to me weekly to ask your questions and you will have the monthly hot seat to get your questions answered.

If I cancel, am I out immediately? You will have until the end of the month you cancel.

What if I can't make a live style session? All sessions will be recorded and uploaded to the member area the next day. If you have questions you can submit them before to get them answered.

Is this community on Facebook? No, everything listed above ins in on a private platform accessible from your phone or computer.

How do I download the app? You can go here to download on iOS

Do I have to speak or show my face in Zoom Style Sessions? No, you can listen and not show your face. However, it's much more interesting if you do.

About Sheila Alley

Sheila is a personal stylist, coach, teacher and former radio show host. She helps women choose styles to suit their colouring, their body shape and their personality so they can dress well with ease. Known for blending personal energy, self-empowerment and wardrobe techniques, Sheila uses simple strategies to inspire her clients to create style confidence by being true to their authentic self so they can walk into any room poised and relaxed.

Sheila is co-author of “101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life,” and “My Style, My Way.” Sheila facilitates image workshops on “How Become More Influential in Every Business Occasion”. Her quotes and articles have appeared in Complete Well Being, The Chronicle Herald and The National Inquirer.

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